Essay On Nature My Teacher In Marathi Language
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The first Marathi translation of the New Testament was published in 1811 by the Serampore press of William Carey.[40] The first Marathi newspaper called Durpan was started by Balshastri Jambhekar in 1832.[41] Newspapers provided a platform for sharing literary views, and many books on social reforms were written. First Marathi periodical Dirghadarshan was started in 1840. The Marathi language flourished, as Marathi drama gained popularity. Musicals known as Sangeet Natak also evolved.[42] Keshavasut, the father of modern Marathi poetry published his first poem in 1885. The late-19th century in Maharashtra saw the rise of essayist Vishnushastri Chiplunkar with his periodical, Nibandhmala that had essays that criticized social reformers like Phule and Gopal Hari Deshmukh. He also founded the popular Marathi periodical of that era called Kesari in 1881.[43] Later under the editorship of Lokmanya Tilak, the newspaper was instrumental in spreading Tilak's nationalist and social views.[44][45][46] Tilak was also opposed to intercaste marriage, particularly the match where an upper caste woman married a lower caste man.[46] Phule and Deshmukh also started their own periodicals, Deenbandhu and Prabhakar, that criticised the prevailing Hindu culture of the day.[47] The 19th century and early 20th century saw several books published on Marathi grammar. Notable grammarians of this period were Tarkhadkar, A.K.Kher, Moro Keshav Damle, and R.Joshi[48]
Most languages have been influenced at one time or another by contact, resulting in varying degrees of transfer of features from one to the other. English, for instance, has borrowed a great deal of vocabulary from French, Latin, Greek, and many other languages in the course of its history. Transfer of this kind does not even require speakers of the different languages to have actual contact since it can be accomplished through book learning by teachers who then pass on the new vocabulary to other speakers via literature, religious texts, dictionaries, and so on. But many other contact situations have led to language transfer of various types, often so extensive that new contact languages are created.
The variety of contact vernaculars surveyed here demonstrates that there is in principle no limit to what speakers of different languages will borrow or transfer from each other, given the right opportunity. One of the great challenges facing linguists is to account for both the social forces and the linguistic mechanisms and constraints which operate jointly to determine what particular outcome emerges from the contact. The study of language contact can lead to great benefits, both practical and theoretical. Research on its social aspects can lead to insights on group relationships and group identities, and how they are shaped by processes of accommodation in some circumstances and by divergence and conflict in others. Understanding of the social forces that guide and constrain language use is of vital importance both to language planning in areas like education, politics, and social welfare and to understanding the ways languages change. Research on the linguistic aspects of language contact leads uto insight on the nature of linguistic systems, the mechanisms by which they interact to produce new strategies of communication, the creativity of human beings in adopting and adapting new materials to be reshaped into new manifestations of the human faculty of language.
Given the situation, environmental education is a modern-day necessity. The aim is to make individuals aware of the importance of nature and everything that encompasses it. In this regard, schools are the perfect place to begin environmental education. Likewise, teachers play a huge role in creating environmental awareness amongst kids and nurturing the new generation for more respect and responsible behavior towards the environment.
William Cullen Bryant, author of "Thanatopsis," was born in Cummington, Massachusetts on November 3, 1794. He is considered an American nature poet and journalist, who wrote poems, essays, and articles that championed the rights of workers and immigrants.
A school is a medium of learning for children and is often regarded as a place of worship for the students. Writing an essay on my school is quite common among students. Here we have essays on My School of different lengths which would prove quite helpful to your children. You can choose the essay as per your length requirement and you shall find that essays have been written in quite easy to understand yet crisp language. Moreover, the essays have been written in such a manner that they are suited for all classes, be it the junior school or the senior classes.
My school teachers come in all shades of character. There are those teachers who have great love for the subject they teach and impart that love to us students too. Even a student who hates that particular subject will start liking it, if he/she sits in their classes. Next, we have jovial teachers who are cheerful in nature and radiate joy to all around them. They are friendly and compassionate and are the go-to people for all students when any trouble comes up. Then, there are the strict teachers who are rigorous in nature and make sure discipline and decorum is maintained throughout school. They are the ones who keep rule breakers and unruly students at bay. Together, our teachers form the heart and soul of the school. 2b1af7f3a8