Unable To Load Referenced Library Vbnet
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Once you find a missing item, the MISSING prefix is removed to indicate that the link is reestablished. If the file name of a referenced project has changed, a new reference is added, and the old reference must be removed.To remove a reference that is no longer required, simply clear the check box next to the unnecessary reference. Note that the references to the Visual Basic object library and host-application object library can't be removed.
Applications may support different language versions of their object libraries. To find out which language version is required, click the reference and check the language indicated at the bottom of the dialog box.Object libraries may be standalone files with the extension .OLB or they can be integrated into a dynamic-link library (DLL) They can exist in different versions for each platform. Therefore, when projects are moved across platforms, for example, from Macintosh to Microsoft Windows, the correct language version of the referenced library for that platform must be available in the location specified in your host application documentation.
Access loads the pertinent file (for example, a type library, an object library, or a control library) for each reference, according to the information that is displayed in the References box. If Access cannot find the file, Access runs the following procedures to locate the file:
\"Run-time error 5,\" \"Invalid procedure call or argument,\" \"The library which contains this symbol is not referenced by the current project,\" or \"The library which contains this symbol is not referenced by the current project, so the symbol is undefined\"
Both options produce class library projects that can be referenced from .NET Core applications but .NET Standard libraries can be compatible with full .NET framework applications as well as Xamarin and anything else that adheres to the .NET Standard.
Both approaches are bad and it is far easier to only use project references for class libraries that are specific to the solution. Any shared library (i.e. used by multiple independent applications) needs to be distributed and referenced using a different technique.
Hey,just dropped in to say I enjoyed that article. I just wish I had seen it yesterday, it would've saved me around 4 hours of trial and error.I'm currently in the process of establishing a code base in .NET Standard at my place of work. We have a lot of full framework legacy code and we always just used to put the dlls in a common folder and reference them. The aproach always had its flaws, but for the most part it worked quite well.Obviously (as I know now) this absolutely doesn't work as out-of-the-box for .NET Standard. Even something as simple as a .NET Standard library with a single nuget package reference wouldn't work when referenced directly as a dll.I figured it out eventually myself, but I wish someone would've just told me to hit publish on that project and add the nuget package to my solution.
In a nutshell, referenced assemblies are not immediately loaded - they are loaded on the fly as needed. So regardless of whether you have an assembly reference in a top level project, or a dependent assembly assemblies typically load on an as needed basis, unless explicitly loaded by user code. The same is true of dependent assemblies.
If you were to open the assembly in a disassembler like Reflector or ILSpy, you would however see all the compiled in dependencies. The referenced assemblies are in the dependency list and they are loadable, but they are not immediately loaded by the application.
The load behavior can vary however. In Console and desktop applications we have full control over assembly loading so we see the core CLR behavior. However other environments like ASP.NET for example will preload referenced assemblies explicitly as part of the startup process - primarily to minimize load conflicts. Specifically ASP.NET pre-loads all assemblies referenced in the GAC assembly list and the /bin folder. So in Web applications it definitely pays to minimize your top level assemblies if they are not used.
Yup System.Web gets loaded, but only after it's actually referenced. In fact, just until before the call to UpdateFromRequest() System.Web is not loaded - it only loads when the method is actually called and requires the reference in the executing code.
For example, the Westwind.Utilities module described above has a logging component, including a Web specific logging entry that supports pulling information from the active HTTP Context. Adding that feature requires a reference to System.Web. Should I worry about this in the scope of this library Probably not, because if I don't use that one class of nearly a hundred, System.Web never gets pulled into the parent process. IOW, System.Web only loads when I use that specific feature and if I am, well I clearly have to be running in a Web environment anyway to use it realistically. The alternative would be considerably uglier: Pulling out the WebLogEntry class and sticking it into another assembly and breaking up the logging code. In this case - definitely not worth it.
I've a question on how this works in .Net core. I noticed that by referring an assembly as a dependency or having a using statement in the code will not load assembly to the memory. .Net core will look for any usage in the code and will not load if its can't find any usage. Is there any way I can load the assembly without loading it.In my case this is important as we have a pre-compiled code which uses the dependent assembly but its loaded dynamically. But now I'm getting an error when I try to execute the code as .Net core is not loading the required assembly even though its referenced.Thanks much for your help
@Garry - yes that's expected behavior. If a type is referenced in a function the type and its assembly have to be loaded. It doesn't need to execute. As you mention using a wrapper to decide which method to run or - in the case of Linux vs. Windows code - you can use a wrapper that checks the OS and then fires the appropriate method. Good idea with this platform specific code anyway.
By removing any unused references in your application, you are preventing the CLR from loading the unused referenced modules at runtime. Which means that you will reduce the startup time of your application, because it takes time to load each module and avoids having the compiler load metadata that will never be used. You may find that depending on the size of each library, your startup time is noticeably reduced. This isn't to say that your application will be faster once loaded, but it can be pretty handy to know that your startup time might get reduced.
The upshot is that you can create libraries that can be directly referenced by .Net Framework, .Net Core and Xamarin applications. You just need to ensure that the .Net Standard Library NuGet package is added to any application that wants to reference a .Net Standard library.
Prior to the advent of .NET Core, a project was represented by a .csproj file, and all the dependencies were represented in the same file. If you wanted to reference a third-party library, you had to find it on the web, download it, place it in a folder, and add a project reference to it in the .csproj file.
Another bonus of using ChartWrapper is that you can reduce the number of library loads by using dynamic loading. Additionally, you don't need to load the packages explicitly since ChartWrapper will handle looking up and loading the chart packages for you. See the examples below for details.
When you create an SSIS Script Task or Script Component SSIS generates a class for you called ScriptMain, and you can wire-up the event in a Static Constructor for that type. A Static Constructor is guaranteed to be called exactly once before the first instance is created or any static members are referenced, so therefore before the dependent assemblies are loaded.
To show you what happens, when your Script Task could not load the referenced assembly, I intentionally deleted the custom assembly DownloadFromAzure.dll from the GAC again.
OData Reporting requires the use of certain dynamic link library (DLL) files to access the OData Reporting engine and process the OData datasets. These DLL files provide certain features and functions, and are also known as dependent assemblies or referenced assemblies. The features/functions provided by the DLL files along with the DLL file versions are listed in the web.config configuration file located in the OData Reporting folder under the CA or DA installation folder, also referred to as a manifest file. This location is typically \\Program Files (x86)\\Enterprise Vault Business Accelerator\\CAReporting\\ for CA or \\Program Files (x86)\\Enterprise Vault Business Accelerator\\DAReporting\\ for DA. Each feature/function or assembly is listed under its own assemblyIdentity key and is cross-referenced, or bound to, a specific DLL version.
AutoMacro is an add-in for VBA that installs directly into the Visual Basic Editor. It comes loaded with code generators, an extensive code library, the ability to create your own code library, and many other time-saving tools and utilities that add much needed functionality to the outdated VBA Editor.
Is a big (160k + libraries) repository where all NuGet libraries live. Anything that lives here can be downloaded by a simple command. For this part, we will grab a specific library called Newtonsoft.Json. This will allow us to parse JSON back and forth. To make this library part of our solution we can type:
Use the correct ODBC driver manager to load the correct driver. To do this, set the library path environment variable. For more information, see \"Specifying ODBC Driver Managers on Non-Windows Machines\" in the Amazon Redshift ODBC connector installation and configuration guide. 153554b96e