Net Framework 3.5 Desatendido
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If your application contains errors when run, you need to update the.NET Framework version that your application was built against. The.NET Framework version is typically identified by its version number: 2.0, 3.5, 3.5 SP1, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.6.3, 4.7.2, 4.8.
However, before you start, make sure that you have the Windows installation media containing the.NET Framework 3.5 from below:
The.NET Framework 3.5 is the foundation of all.NET applications . It contains APIs, components, and other resources needed to run a.NET application and supports the development of desktop, Web, and mobile applications, as well as server and cloud services.
Next, you need to create a.NET Framework 3.5 installation media using DISM. Run the command DISM /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:Netfx3.5 on a Windows installation media. This command will create a.NET framework 3.
The.NET Framework 3.5 installation media is available here . This installation media will only install the.NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 7 and Windows 8.
You can use the file .ISO or the file .MSI. In our case, we will use the.ISO file.
To complete the installation, you must get the proper.NET Framework 3.5 image from Microsoft’s web site. DO NOT use the offline.NET Framework setup executable from Windows Installer. It will only update the.NET Framework 4.8, not the.NET Framework 3.5. You can download the.NET Framework 3.5 installation setup from Microsoft’s web site
When you press Enter, Windows will use DISM to download the.NET Framework 3.5 from the installation media. After the installation completes, the.NET Framework 3.5 will be installed in the system. And you can use the.NET Framework 3.5 to install some apps.
This is a nice way to have.NET Framework v3.5 on your Windows 11. Using this post, you can install.NET Framework 3.5 offline from a previous installation media. This method is similar to How to Install.NET Framework 4.5 in Windows 10 . And by using this method, you can install.NET Framework 3.5 offline from DISM installer media. So, you can enjoy the app built against.NET Framework v3.5.
ABCD premiered across India in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu languages.[10] The film was released in the United States on 2 June 2013.[11][12] As per the Bollywood trade website Box Office India, with around 1.50 billion viewers,[13] the film grossed 45.11 million in its first week. 827ec27edc