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Sakib Khan
Apr 20, 2022
In General Discussions
It is possible to extend security policies from data center to mobile application endpoints. VMware AirWatch – NSX integration Namibia Phone Number List brings speed and simplicity to networking and micro-segmentation features. It eliminates Namibia Phone Number List the need for time-consuming network auditing by creating policies that dynamically track mobile applications. Below is information on how to integrate NSX with VMware AirWatch. VPN Per App Although the per-app VPN device level resolves some VPN-related security issues, it exposes all endpoints in the domain Namibia Phone Number List and in-app services. By comparison, micro-segmentation takes endpoint management to the next level by restricting application-level access to a specific endpoint in the Namibia Phone Number List datacenter. What is NSX Micro-Segmentation? NSX micro-segmentation is a logical, Bidirectional firewall that monitors inbound and outbound access controls on individual endpoints. It provides an easy-to-use and affordable Namibia Phone Number List alternative to physical firewalls using the NSX virtualization tool. VMware AirWatch – NSX Integration and Healthcare Consider a doctor referencing patient health records from an institutional health practice.
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